77th Ordinary Meeting Of BAPEC Opens In Bamenda Archdiocese

The 77th Ordinary meeting of the Bamenda Provincial Episcopal Conference BAPEC, has opened in the Archdiocese of Bamenda this 5th day of February 2025, under the auspices of His Grace Archbishop Andrew Nkea, Archbishop of Bamenda Archdiocese and President of BAPEC. The 77th session of the Bamenda Provincial Episcopal Conference, gives the Bishops an opportunity to come together in communion, evaluate the pastoral affairs of the province and share ideas and strategies to improve on the Pastoral activities in the Province.

77th Ordinary meeting of BAPEC

Discussions on this first day, which also witnessed the presence of the Vicar Generals, focused on reports presented by different arms of the Province including Caritas, BEPHA, and CATUC. Other issues discussed included the  final document on the Synod on Synodality, the National Pilgrimage to Marienberg scheduled for the 27th of April, 2025, and the 25th anniversary of the Provincial Pastoral Plan to be celebrated on the 23rd and 24th of July in the Diocese of Buea.

77th ordinary meeting of BAPEC

Prelude to this meeting, the Bishops alongside some of the members of the formation team, conducted faculty exams in St. Thomas Aquinas Major Seminary, involving some 29 deacons. This was followed by a closed door meeting of the Bishops with the formators of  St. Thomas Aquinas Major Seminary in Bambui and St. John Paul II Major Seminary in Bachuo Ntai, to review the formation activities carried out in these seminaries.  Seminary formation it should be recalled, has the objective to raise up men to be virtuous leaders, humble servants and devout men of prayer who are eager to give their lives fully to Christ and his church.


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